When Is It the Best Time to Take CBD?

A common question among those new to cannabinoids is whether there’s an optimal time to take cannabidiol (CBD). Generally, the ideal time for taking CBD is when doing so best fits into you or your family’s routine so that you can be consistent with your servings.

With that said, there are some considerations that you may want to keep in mind as you create the CBD routine that works best for your schedule and health needs.

There is no perfect time of day to take CBD, but as you begin to incorporate the compound into your routine, you may notice that it causes certain effects that may make a certain time better than another. Some have reported awakening effects, so taking CBD first thing in the morning is relatively common among users. Others prefer to take CBD at lunch or in the early afternoon when their energy levels start to lag. Some, however, report feeling relaxed after taking CBD and prefer to take it in the evenings or before bed.

If you find that CBD has awakening effects in the evening or makes you drowsy in the morning, try adjusting when you take it each day.

The full effects of CBD remain for approximately 4-12 hours. How long a serving affects you depends on several variables, including on the mg of CBD you ingested, your method of consumption, as well as your body fat percentage and total body size. With this in mind, some users prefer to take a serving of CBD 2-3 times throughout the day so that they’re able to obtain sustained CBD level in their systems.

There are many potential reasons why you or your physician may determine that CBD is a beneficial option. CBD interacts with the body through the endocannabinoid system, a signaling network responsible for regulating functions like appetite, mood, sleep, pain management, and immune response. When absorbed by the body, CBD can augment the body’s naturally occurring endocannabinoids, increasing the endocannabinoid system’s ability to promote balance. Studies have found these balancing effects may be beneficial for inhibiting seizure activity, reducing anxiety levels, managing pain, and protecting the health of neurons.

How often you should take CBD depends on your health needs and how deficient you are of endocannabinoids. Most find that consistently taking CBD at least once per day provides the best benefit. CBD can build up in the body, stimulating an increase in cannabinoid receptors to make the endocannabinoid system more effective. In other words, supplementing the endocannabinoid system with CBD every single day may potentially increase the beneficial impact of the natural compound.